This Travel Kit is perfect for trips or outdoor activities. It comes with a hard case to protect the contents and is perfect for storing in a car, suitcase, or backpack. It contains a variety of first aid supplies to help treat minor wounds, cuts, scrapes, and bruises. The kit also includes bandages and other items to help provide relief from minor injuries. This Travel Kit is a must-have for any outdoor enthusiast
Travel Kit
SKU: 0015
₹300.00 Regular Price
₹240.00Sale Price
32 ITEMS: Travel Bag,First Aid Guide /Tag,Adhesive Plaster Bandage,Safety Pin ,Cotton Tip Applicator, Adhesive Plaster Round /Bandage,Gauze Bandage ,Absorbent Cotton ,Antiseptic Lotion 10 ml (1 Each),Gauze swab,Magnetic Compass With torch